Monday, March 26, 2007

Dog Park Dummies

How to know if you are a dumb ass at the dog park:

1. You bring a kid and leave it unsupervised.
2. You bring a bag of treats.
3. You sit on the ground.
4. You sit on the ground with your bag of dog treats in your lap.
5. You give YOUR KID dog treats and he puts them in his pockets.
6. You whine when dogs obsess over your treat-infested ass and your little kid too.
7. You just don't get it- your a dumb ass.

Yeah, those are the top ways to know if you are a dumb ass in the dog park. Pretty much the only other stupid thing you could do would be to wear a suit made of meat, or better yet dress your kid in the suit.

This lady, I wanted to tell her so much...
For once, I held my tongue and we went to the beach instead. See idiots spoil it for everyone. She had all the dogs acting crazy, it was almost scary.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Sping Break Arrives!!!

Yes, Spring Break is here. Officially today is the first day. It has been fabulous. The weather is beautiful and perfect and I hope it is like this every day for the next week. I can't wait to blog about all my adventures. FUN!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hot like a Velociraptor

you: "Liz, what are you talking about? That's not a Velociraptor up there. "
Me: "I know, it just sounds good rolling off my tongue."
See I was studying and I was thinking about this little stuffed dino I got my niece and how I wish I had time to go mail it to her, tomorrow. Anyway, so I was thinking...

When I was a kid I thought dinos were the coolest thing ever. Stegosaurus in the house! That was my fav. So I am thinking back to the days of grade school and saying to myself...

"They made me learn a bunch of fun and interesting stuff about dinos when I was a kid, and where did it get me?"

No where really. I mean seriously couldn't they make it more relevant by at least making this knowledge useful in some way, like for bonus points on your driver's license exam:

extra credit: What was the Stegosaurus classified as?
a. carnivore b. herbivore c. omnivore d. your mom

or maybe they can start adding a few of these into my nursing exams. I want more dinosaurs. I want to feel that something random that I learned when I was six or seven still benefits me today.

Why do I have these thoughts? I don't know... I just do.

If you want to learn more about Stegosaurus (the best dino ever... Brontosaurus gets second place) visit Wikipedia and read on brother or sister

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Habla espanol...

In an attempt to re-familiarize myself with Spanish words I have forgotten and perhaps learn a few more I have my Google translator set to show any word I scroll over en espanol. Let's see how it works! Now if I could only figure out to get the squiggle on to of my 'n". The squiggle is called a "tilde", it looks like this ~. It hangs out on the upper left hand corner of your keyboard all alone... screaming, "Use me!"

Poor litle tilde...


Bitter Betty

School is making me really bitter. Even after drinking to oblivion for the past two weekends and dancing on tables, chairs, walls, countertops, etc. Why then am I so bitter? I don't know. Thankfully, spring break is next week and some R&R is well deserved. After that only 6 more weeks until summer. I am already counting...

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Well, Kyle (Jimmy's little brother, my brother too!) will be on his way to Afghanistan this Sunday. We wish you all the best and hope that you get to come back soon for a family reunion. It's just not the same without you!

Monday, March 05, 2007

When Pigs Fly

Jmmy found this on, today and I find it fairly amusing. Check it out...

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Darkside of Oz

Look what I found on IMDB about the Wizard of Oz today. I thought it was pretty interesting...

There are a striking number of coincidences between events in the movie and musical cues (and lyrics) on the 1973 Pink Floyd album, "Dark Side of the Moon". It is highly improbable that the band had a print of the movie with them at Abbey Road, and few attempt to claim it to have been deliberate ('David Gilmour' dismisses it as nonsense), but the coincidences are remarkable nonetheless. If you begin the album on the third roar of the MGM lion (using the NTSC version of the movie, not the 25 fps PAL version which runs a little over 4% faster) the coincidences include (but are not limited to):
The line "balanced on the biggest wave" comes as Dorothy balances on the fence.
The song "On the Run" starts as Dorothy falls off the fence.
"The Great Gig in the Sky" begins when the tornado first appears.
The song "Us and Them" is played when Dorothy meets the Wicked Witch of the West.
The line "black and blue" is repeated when they are talking to one another (Dorothy in her blue outfit, the Wicked Witch in black).
The line "the lunatic is on the grass..." coincides with Dorothy meeting the Scarecrow.
When we first see Miss Gulch on her bicycle, the song "Time" starts with its bells and alarms.
Dorothy asks Professor Marvel what else he sees in his crystal ball as the line "thought I'd something more to say" comes along in the song "Time".
As the Scarecrow sings "If I Only Had a Brain", Pink Floyd sing "Brain Damage".
Side 1 of the original vinyl album (up to the end of "The Great Gig in the Sky") is exactly as long as the black and white portion of the film.
As Dorothy listens to the Tin Man's chest, the album ends with the famous heartbeat sound effect.

Now if I had the movie and the vinyl I may actually do this just to see! Either way, I think it's pretty cool.

Oh, and I had the best massage ever tonight! Thanks Dani... and also thanks to Chara and Ben for donating their house and time!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Be cool stay in school

Oh how I wish I could say that I thought Nursing school was cool but I find myself hating life pretty much 90% of the time. My friend Jackie had a good point today...something along the lines of how usually "stressful moments"in life come and go and you survive and deal with them. Yet, the stress of nursing school is not going away anytime soon and it has been around for a year and a half already. Ugh! So true. The last three weeks has been filled with papers and test and I am so over it. Needless to say I have one more paper to write up this weekend. This means only 3 more to go. Plus, to make things worse, they are not even papers that really engage the learning process. That blows. This blows. Sorry for complaining. I guess I will go work off my frustration at kickboxing.

P.S. What is going on with the weather??? I want it to be warm and sunny already!