Monday, March 26, 2007

Dog Park Dummies

How to know if you are a dumb ass at the dog park:

1. You bring a kid and leave it unsupervised.
2. You bring a bag of treats.
3. You sit on the ground.
4. You sit on the ground with your bag of dog treats in your lap.
5. You give YOUR KID dog treats and he puts them in his pockets.
6. You whine when dogs obsess over your treat-infested ass and your little kid too.
7. You just don't get it- your a dumb ass.

Yeah, those are the top ways to know if you are a dumb ass in the dog park. Pretty much the only other stupid thing you could do would be to wear a suit made of meat, or better yet dress your kid in the suit.

This lady, I wanted to tell her so much...
For once, I held my tongue and we went to the beach instead. See idiots spoil it for everyone. She had all the dogs acting crazy, it was almost scary.

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