Monday, May 16, 2011

Zack Attack

The one thing I truly love to do is make playlist of songs and give them to my friends. This one is for my best friend Ray. I am thinking of giving this one to multiple people though (shhhh, don't tell him). I know it isn't a very upbeat mix but I am just so freaking mellow right now. Must be all the Benadryl I have eaten. That fucking rabbit foot almost killed me. I really think it has anaphylactic potential. I didn't even touch it when I threw it in the trash. My trachea is all scratchy and my eye felt like it was on fire. It took me all day to realize that was the culprit. I am sure it didn't help that it is pretty windy outside either. No lucky rabbit foot necklace for me. I wanna live and breathe.

Distance- Beach Fossils

Forget You All The Time- Cloud Nothings

Feel It All Around- Washed Out

Freedom (Zombie Dance Mix)- Nostalgia 77

Hands Reversed- Tokyo Police Club

Get Some- Lykke Li

'Golden Haze'- Wild Nothing

Rain On- Woods

Woe Is Me- The Walkmen

Taos (Edit)- Menomena

Five Little Rooms (Edit)- Menomena

Who Knows, Who Cares- Local Natives

The Right Type-Chromeo

The Only Living Boy in New York- Simon & Garfunkel

Hearts Of Love- Crocodiles

Vireo's Eye- Future Islands

Take It In- Hot Chip

Slowdance- Matthew Dear

Wide Eyes- Local Natives

When I Grow Up- Fever Ray

you and i know- Ra Ra Riot

Audience No. 2- Autolux

Blaine Osborne- Transfer

I'll Believe In Anything- Wolf Parade

Headdress- Amazing Baby

Get Some Rest- Transfer

In the fall- Future Islands

Yellow Elevator #2- The Black Angels

Medicine (Copy Remix)- Starfucker

The Only One- The Black Keys

We Used To Wait- Arcade Fire

Dreams-Come-True-Girl (feat. Karen Black)- Cass McCombs

Assault On Precinct 13 Main Theme- Zombie Zombie

Building Steam With A Grain Of Salt (Ruby My Dear Mix)- DJ Shadow

Family Tree- TV On The Radio

I Know You Don't Love Me- Peter, Bjorn and John

England- The National

Swoon- The Chemical Brothers

Twilight Galaxy- Metric

Thursday, May 05, 2011

The past 12 months...

has been a complete whirlwind. I'm actually writing this from a semihorizontal position, propped up on my left elbow, not very efficient for typing but I'm making it work. I just woke up and being vertical just isn't appealing at this time of day. Not for me anyway. You can call me Nighthawk. I was just sort of trying to put things in their right place as I lay here and happened to look through my photos. No matter how many I have, I feel like there are not enough. Mainly because I feel like you can snap a ton of photos but it takes so many to get the one really awesome one that you adore. At least, for me it does. Oh, and did I mention I am no photographer, have no idea what I am doing. I just point and snap.

Let me stop digressing and get on with it already. I was thinking about it and yes, the last year has flown by and so much has happened and I feel like I have been just about everywhere. Leaving my tracks on the world, the lives of those I love, and even those of strangers. The thing I love and appreciate most are the moments I share with people. On any given day I can close my eyes and think up a moment. Perhaps one I may have shared with you. I can see it in my mind's eye. I can remember the lighting, sounds, smells, facial expressions. Nothing is happier than watching someone smile and you can tell that the smile on their face is coming from somewhere deep inside just because of the twinkle in their eye. Those are the moments in life I appreciate most. I hope that my smile can bring that sort of imagery to those who interact with me.

So in short, this year has flown by. Looking through photos I realize I measured my year by Coachella. As we all just got back from our yearly trip our modern day mecca. Where all is right in the world, and perfection is real. I hold close to me the things that mean the most in my life and it is through both physical photographs and the moments captured in my mind that I am able to go back to these times, and relive them when the rain does come. In a year I have gone from dark days to ones full of love and light. I think of that line from The Crow, when he says, "It can't rain all the time."

I realize it can't and sometimes you don't have a choice. You don't have to welcome the shower but I feel they are necessary. Rain washes away the grit, and when the sun shines again you have the opportunity to start fresh and grow. I am happy to say that the rain... has stopped for now. My thanks and love to all of you. I feel refreshed and ready for the next adventure and wherever I end up next. I keep my rain boots and umbrella on hand because sometimes it is going to rain but now I know it doesn't hurt to stomp through the puddles.

Love. Life. Music.


adverb /ˈfīn(ə)lē/:
After a long time typically involving difficulty or delay

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Fluff your own fucking pillow.

So no matter what any one tells you, or what you tell be a nurse, you do have to have some form of a caring and compassionate bone in your body. Hey now, no one said it has to be a big one. My bone changes shape and size daily. "No its not a boner. Its an optical illusion. Its the pattern on the pants." Sorry, I just couldn't resist the opportunity to quote the all-knowing Ron Burgundy. Anyway, Ms. Liz-on-a-tangent as usual, it will take me 10 minutes to say something that only takes 30 seconds. (Shut up you are used to it.)
SO, as I was saying. It never ceases to amaze me how helpless people become once they set foot into a hospital. There are varying degrees of helplessness. Those who truly are helpless and need you. This is the person who is so sick and weakened that you will wipe their ass for them, repeatedly. You will sweat in the isolation gown while giving that ass a good wiping with C.Diff up to your elbows, and maybe even in your eye, all the while praying to the GI Gods that those bacteria DO NOT find their way into you. Eek! This leads me to one solitary thought...which is going to take me off on a tangent but bear with me. Okay?
I have yet to put in a tampon. Only because I'd have to have bilateral above-the-wrist amputations before I would even think about letting someone else do that deed. Hell, I might even get my stumps all bloody trying to do it myself after the amputation. Then cry myself to sleep in a rumpled pile of shame. This leads me to another thought. What is up with all the women who come in swearing they have something up in their vagina?
This always results in what we call a "vag-exam", or "vag-a-cizing". Often we come up from the trench with a quizzical look upon our faces whilst empty handed. Then the chick almost always still SWEARS there is something in there. I think we should just diagnose that as "phantom tampon pain." Or the other alternative is just bring something in your pocket and pretend like you took it out of the chicks vag. I can see it now, "Oh look a bunny!" "A quarter" "A deck of cards!" Then recommend they stop dating magicians. Yeah, that works.
Alright, back to being helpless. So yes, there are those who are truly helpless and you'd do anything for them. Then there are the FAKERS. Fakers are the worst. There are those who you see walking up to the big glass doors in the lobby like any one would. Then, right about the time they think they are in your line of vision start moving all slow and zombie-like, maybe drag a foot, limp, drool. Maybe all 3 for extra effect. Annoying.
This is usually the person who is most likely to escalate their scene in the lobby when there is a long wait and do something like throw themselves onto the floor or pretend to pass out. These in a strange way are sometimes entertaining. My favorite is when you call them out on their shit and they open their eyes and look at you and say, "I'm sorry." This is when they know you are not to be fucked with. There is also the person who seems totally fine and probably shouldn't be in the ER at all but for what can be so many reasons that I won't even get they are.
Suddenly this person's 8 million problems are now YOUR problems too. Really they aren't but this person wants them to be yours. "How will I pay for this medicine I don't have any money?" (The medicine cost 4 dollars.) Meanwhile, this person wants to go outside every 5 minutes to smoke a cigarette and hasn't stopped talking, texting, and photo documenting their whole ER visit on Facebook since the moment they arrived.
Literally, this has happened to me, this patient who suddenly somehow made it to the hospital has no ride, no money, no home, no food, no future, but wait... "Do you care if you are in this picture I am going to put of you starting my IV on Facebook?" They are wearing gobs and gobs of jewelry, expensive clothes, shoes, always have an iPhone. I don't care if you got that shit at the flea market, unless you stole it, it wasn't free. This is when I give the hater stare and walk away.
Then there are those who are appreciative of everything you are doing, and you know it. So for some reason, you will do nice things for them. It just amazes me though. Once their ass touches the gurney they are helpless. This person is not too ill, but just has some sort of fine-tuning type shit going on where maybe they have to stay in the hospital overnight. No big deal type stuff. This person does everything independently. Gets up to the bathroom on their own and the whole nine. You know, doesn't require much.
Yet for some reason. When sitting on the gurney they are powerless and expect you to do everything for them. Like, "Can you fix my blanket?" "Can you fluff my pillow?" "Can you dial the number for me?" This is when I politely remind the person that they are a grown, independent, adult and I will not enable their helpless behavior when they are request I do things that they are capable of. Really though, in my head, during all that bullshit, what I am really saying is, "Fluff your own fucking pillow!"
Never date a Magician.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I used to wait...

for things to change. Then I woke up and realized...nothing changes things...except for you. So, I changed things. I continue to change things. Open your eyes. On another note, here are two awesome Arcade Fire songs. I am loving the new album. Some great songs to pound pavement to. Good tempo!
Ready to start-
Sprawl II-

Monday, August 02, 2010

When did it all begin?

My first love...was my paint set. I remember using that paint set every single day. My Mom has a about a hundred pics of me sitting at the table...hour after hour...with my paint set. I wish I never put the paint brush down but somewhere along the way I did. I can recall countless after school hours spent creating. Why did I ever stop? I don't know when or where the other loves came into place but I remember them happening.
Writing... has always come naturally to me. I can remember being a "Young Author," in elementary school, all my random creative stories...I think this love kind of bloomed there. Next time I go home, I am going to have to try and dig some up. I am sure they are in a box in my Mom's closet somewhere. I can't count how many times in school I won some sort of something for some sort of paper I wrote. I still write today. Not stories like I used to...but I still love to write.
Music... my grandfather is the person I think made me learn to appreciate music. I can recall the countless hours I spent sitting around listening to records, or AM and NPR radio with him. Him explaining the music to me and he might of been the first person to tell me, "Listen to this part right here." He always encouraged us to be creative and to perform. I still love music to this day. All types. I have my favorites but really I can't pinpoint an absolute favorite genre. I can find things to appreciate in all of them. I still love vinyl and always will. Music can match your mood, improve it, it is one of the greatest forms of expression when it comes from a person's heart.
Art... You have to look at all art and instead of seeing it as "just art," you have to let it take your mind to wherever it is the thing you are reading, or looking at, or watching, or hearing is going. You have to let it take you to a place where your emotions and thoughts collide...and see what it means to you. This is the only way you can truly appreciate it.
Running and biking... set my mind free. They make my blood pump and remind me that I am alive and that my legs can carry me as far as my eye can see. There is no better freedom than putting on your running shoes, or hoping on your bike and just going. It is the ultimate release.
I have been thinking of these little things today. Today I have taken time to do some of these things. Today I realize how much I appreciate these things...and how much they mean to me. Without life would be missing something.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

One of my faves...

This is one of my favorite pictures... I ever done took. I tell ya'. Looking at my dog through the rear view. He's just living life and loving it... watching it all go by... we should all stop and look...and take a lesson from him.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


I've been a fighter since birth. I say this considering the fact that I died maybe once or twice before the age of 1...but here I and breathing. Sometimes I wonder how I can maintain such a positive attitude considering all the animosity and challenges I have faced in these past years. I don't think I really know the answer to that question. Then again... I think I do. I think I have found that despite all the fight, and the feeling that the odds are sometimes stacked against me...I always come out on top. I always learn something more about me from the fight. I have learned to become more adventurous because of my fight. For making myself do things that are uncomfortable and outside of my comfort zone... I always pick the fight because I don't believe in walking away from things when they are hard. Then I would always wonder. I've only ever felt like I walked away from one thing...and I did that only because I knew it was the only thing left to do. So, I'm just gonna face it. I'm a fighter. It is what I do. Being a fighter has gotten me where will it be next?