Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I'm back!

Nursing school is over!!! Ding dong the witch is dead. I have been very MIA since December due to staying busy with school and rocking my last semester. I am almost official (still waiting to take Boards) and I do indeed have my first dream job at a great hospital as an ER Nurse. I start in a few weeks.

In the past few weeks this is what I have been doing...

Mom and Dad visited for the festivities which was a great graduation present in itself.
I made them proud (and me too!)...
These are the girls and I posing with our first clinical instructor, Professor Kohler. She even had the honor of being the first nursing instructor to EVER pin students at our "Pinning Ceremony" she was very touched and honored, as were we. I have come to love these ladies and hope to always have them in my life. We got each other through nursing school.

Our post-graduation party extravaganza, not even the rain could stop us...
Then it was off to Mexico. Thanks to Chara and Ben for inviting Nicole and I along. Oh, and a big thank you to Ben's Dad, Mr. Roy, for giving us his place to stay in for the week. My pal Squints a.k.a Nicole, met us there all the way from the MIA. Plus, I got to meet Brandon and Chelsea. who are soooo much fun! They are the coolest ever and I hope to hang with them again in the NEAR future. It was a great trip here are some outtakes. Or you can also visit their blogs as posted to the right... and see their pics too!

Getting our barter on at the Bucerias Flea Market...

Here we are eating some great food at a place on the beach called, "Fat Boys" in Bucerias.

I will be posting the rest (PG-13 of course) on my MySpace later on tomorrow. The day after we got back Chara and I both had strange cravings for Mexican food, all the great seafood we had been eating, and of course chips and salsa. Plus, we discovered a margarita recipe which the Charo loves! Always a bonus.

1 comment:

chara said...

yes.. i could go for some shrimp tacos right about now.. and perhaps some mexican doritos - which i still haven't been able to find..