Monday, February 12, 2007


Today at school we had "simulation day" for my Pediatric clinical lab. It's basically a bunch of us standing around this lifelike doll that cost more than a Lexus that can pretty much do everything a real person can do, well almost. So anyway, that was all good and great. We did well and it was learning and all. Yipee.
Then off to the media lab we go where there is Labor and Delivery learning gear out because we have that rotation this semester too. Well, let me tell you there was enough baby and vagina for everyone. Including but not limited too, a placenta that my friend Melody and I wore on our head, called a Jellyfish, and I attached to my own bellybutton. All of which are highly unprofessional but no one was there so of course we were like, "speaking of no one's looking". There was also, get this, a (and I quote) "Suitcase of Vaginas" to teach you what it is like to tell how dilated a laboring woman is. I wish I could take that suitcase to an airport and run it through Customs or something. It would be hilarious.
I guess we tend to try and keep learning fun.

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