Thursday, October 12, 2006

Like sands through the hours glass...

...these are the days of my life. Study, study, study, study. Take test. Go to the hospital and select my patient's for the next day. Eat and shower (quickly). Make these things called "mind maps" and look up medications and pathophysiology and learn, learn, learn before I go take care of people. Sleep, a little. Wake up. Clinical 12 hours, come home. Shower and eat. Is it sick that I consider doing these two things at the same time in order to multi-task and save time? Study, for 3 hours. Go to sleep. Wake up, dress. Am I really here sitting in a classroom about to take ANOTHER test? Oh my, yes I am. Wow- it is dawning on me that this really sucks. Finish test. Think to myself, WTF? Get confirmation of these thoughts from other students in the program. Go to the next class. Sit through lecture, an interesting one thank god. Although, when you are burned you are burned no matter how interesting it is. So I was really happy when I got to come home today. Needless to say... one more test to go next week, Pharmacology. Then clinical for 4 more weeks. Oh and not one, but two, TWO papers due. NO BUENO for Lizard. No rest for the weary. It's all cool though. I will survive, I always do. Really all I wish I could do is get some sleep. Good sleep, the kind of sleep you don't have to give up. You can just sleep and sleep all day. So tomorrow after work, I just might come and do that. NICE! Then guess what I will wake up and do... STUDY. Ah, one day I will be finished. Okay, enough complaining from me. There are probably a billion typos in my little rant and I don't even care!

1 comment:

chara said...

here here sister.. i'm off to do my mindmap..