Tuesday, May 15, 2007


So finals are over and summer is finally upon us. Whew! Yet, I am jaded once again. Jaded by the fact that after I finally seem to pull myself out of the "stupid" (I know I am really not stupid) phase I seemed to have gone through my first two semesters of nursing school... I keep missing an A in like one or two classes a semester by 1 point or less. Most teachers in nursing school find rounding up, as you would in the ordinary non-nursing world, to be unquestionable. So that the two hardest classes I have yet taken in school leave me with the wind knocked out of my sails. I know that this has nothing to do with how smart I am, or how well we do, or how much I know. It's more of a personal thing.

It's like this, a person climbs a mountain for no one but them self and when they get to the summit, it's the best feeling in the world or perhaps there is a soda machine up there. They are satisfied. For two semesters I have spent months climbing to the top, and for two semesters I am jaded. Not by the fact that I did not get to the top. I did, and then some. I just got stuck with a regular old Coke machine instead of the Dr. Pepper machine that I had hoped for.

Then I get these scary thoughts like... what if I get dumb again next semester. Or even worse, in sixth semester when I take critical care... what then??? I may end up hating myself.

Perhaps all of us in nursing school are just unsatisfied over achievers.

1 comment:

chara said...

lizard.. you are the smartest of them all.. you really are.. the tests are stupid.. and don't test our knowledge.. they test our ability to take tests.. which has nothing to do with intelligence.. your the first person i call when i have a question..