Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Welcome innocent.

I saw a little innocent baby born today. I say innocent because this is the only time in this child's life where it knows nothing that it can remember, therefore- it's completely innocent. I think kids lose their innocence about the time they learn to be sneaky. Then it's all down hill from there and you just better hope your kid isn't a white male that wets the bed and tortures small animals or you may have a future serial killer on your hands. Especially if he has "mother issues" and joins the military. But I digress...

Anyway, I saw a baby born today. Mom was so pretty. No really, she was. Quiet as a mouse. Never screamed. Did it all without pain medicine or an epidural. She couldn't have one because she was thrombpcytopenic which means that her platelets were low. (Platelets are big fat red blood cells that help you form clots when you bleed.) So since these were low and epidurals require needles in your dural space of your spine this can cause bleeding if the sac is punctured. If you can't clot, you can bleed. Bad news. It can lead to paralysis and all other types of bad stuff. So even though she had an epidural with her first kid she would have to be brave. She was. She made having a baby look easy. (No, I am still not ever having kids.) She didn't even tear or anything. Lucky her.

Way to go mom. It was pretty cool. Didn't freak me out too bad and I am not experiencing post traumatic stress as I thought I would.

One lasting memory: The smell of having a baby vaguely reminds me of the smell of dissecting animals in biology in high school. (Not sharks and sea monsters, just like rats and stuff) It's that odd smell that you can't really put your finger on but you will also never forget. That's what hot baby dropping vagina smells like, in case you wanted to know. Ha. Ha. Hope I grossed you out.

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