Saturday, September 16, 2006

I remember when...

Saturday night used to mean something. Saturday night was a magical unicorn that I wanted to ride. (Ride Sally, Ride!) Saturday night meant everything because it was the culmination of the weeks events bundled with a few drinks and a few laughs which suddenly made the world seem right again. Saturday night meant dressing up real pretty to go out and dance the night away. Now, Saturday night means homework, paper and project managing, and of course studying. Now don't get me wrong. I am not complaining. It's just that I envision my Saturday's a lot different than they play out. My choice Saturday does not include any of the things I did today. So until I may enjoy those fleeting moments of carelessness again, I will long for them. A girl can dream can't she?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I' be gone till November...

Just tell my friends that I'll be gone till November. (That is a song if some of you didn't know.) Anyway, the point of this little tid bit is to inform all of you that yes, school is in FULL EFFECT. I currently have more to do than I have EVER had to do in my entire student career. No really like a lot of papers, when I say a lot I mean 4 plus. Also, a lot of other random busy work because well I have to write a journal just about every time I breathe this semester. They say this is the "make you or break you" time. So just remember right now I am being tortured. So if anyone calls me or looks for me or wants to know my whereabouts. It is probably wisest to call Jimmy and ask him because I don't even think I know where I will be half the time. Also, please do not be offended if you want to invite me to hang out because I probably won't be able to do that. I am SERIOUS! It would be really nice if somone adopted my husband though. Just for a few months then he can come back when I am shiny and new again. Until I arise from the dust... love to all.
Oh and look at Boomer he discovered that the microwave is this magical thing that makes food!