Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Jury Duty

So I am sitting here this morning going through the pile of mail that I have neglected since getting back from vacation. As I am sorting I come across an envelope marked... JURY DUTY. I say to myslef, "Crap- I missed it." I forgot that I had called to postpone since I was going on vacation only to come back from vacation to forget I was supposed to go there... YESTERDAY. Now what do I do? Call and say, "Uh, sorry but I forgot?" Is there a fine? Am I in trouble? Should I even call to find out? Is it one of those things that if I never say anything no one will even notice? Or is it worse if I don't call to say I am a dumbass? I don't know what to do.

1 comment:

chara said...

the wonderful thing about jury duty in oceanside is that you can go two weeks before you date.. or two weeks after..
so you are fine.. they haven't issued a warrent for your arrest yet.. but i'd be going tomorrow if i were you..