Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sigh of relief

Well, it is official. My friends and I can breathe a sigh of relief we all passed and will live to see all that 3rd semester has to offer. Whoopee. I felt so stressed today after that test. Let me tell all of you who know me well, even when Lizard says she is stressed about a test- she is really not. This usually results in the "Oh you will do fine" answer from all of you. You could have told me that one thousand times over today and I would say, "Shut up already!"- as rude as that is. Yet, I can say that I passed and even if it is not with the "A" I could hope for, I still passed and I have come to realize even if I feel like crap that is still "importante". So be happy for me... I will be home and drunk with one year of Nursing school under my belt in no time.

Also, thanks to all of my really good friends who I went to "brunch" with today. Hash House was the best ever. (Seriously, I have evidence... my food was enough to feel 3-4- no joke! I ate like 3 bites and called it quits! Here is a picture of our fun! Oh and I had my first "drinks" of the summer this semester too! Yay.

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