Thursday, August 26, 2010

I used to wait...

for things to change. Then I woke up and realized...nothing changes things...except for you. So, I changed things. I continue to change things. Open your eyes. On another note, here are two awesome Arcade Fire songs. I am loving the new album. Some great songs to pound pavement to. Good tempo!
Ready to start-
Sprawl II-

Monday, August 02, 2010

When did it all begin?

My first love...was my paint set. I remember using that paint set every single day. My Mom has a about a hundred pics of me sitting at the table...hour after hour...with my paint set. I wish I never put the paint brush down but somewhere along the way I did. I can recall countless after school hours spent creating. Why did I ever stop? I don't know when or where the other loves came into place but I remember them happening.
Writing... has always come naturally to me. I can remember being a "Young Author," in elementary school, all my random creative stories...I think this love kind of bloomed there. Next time I go home, I am going to have to try and dig some up. I am sure they are in a box in my Mom's closet somewhere. I can't count how many times in school I won some sort of something for some sort of paper I wrote. I still write today. Not stories like I used to...but I still love to write.
Music... my grandfather is the person I think made me learn to appreciate music. I can recall the countless hours I spent sitting around listening to records, or AM and NPR radio with him. Him explaining the music to me and he might of been the first person to tell me, "Listen to this part right here." He always encouraged us to be creative and to perform. I still love music to this day. All types. I have my favorites but really I can't pinpoint an absolute favorite genre. I can find things to appreciate in all of them. I still love vinyl and always will. Music can match your mood, improve it, it is one of the greatest forms of expression when it comes from a person's heart.
Art... You have to look at all art and instead of seeing it as "just art," you have to let it take your mind to wherever it is the thing you are reading, or looking at, or watching, or hearing is going. You have to let it take you to a place where your emotions and thoughts collide...and see what it means to you. This is the only way you can truly appreciate it.
Running and biking... set my mind free. They make my blood pump and remind me that I am alive and that my legs can carry me as far as my eye can see. There is no better freedom than putting on your running shoes, or hoping on your bike and just going. It is the ultimate release.
I have been thinking of these little things today. Today I have taken time to do some of these things. Today I realize how much I appreciate these things...and how much they mean to me. Without life would be missing something.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

One of my faves...

This is one of my favorite pictures... I ever done took. I tell ya'. Looking at my dog through the rear view. He's just living life and loving it... watching it all go by... we should all stop and look...and take a lesson from him.